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Client full-time terms and conditions.

The following outlines the terms of use of the website. Before using any of the services, you are required to read, understand, and agree to these terms.

1.                                Interpretation

1.1.                             “Client” means an employer as defined in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act;

1.2.                            “No Sweat Work Media,” means No Sweat Work Media trading as or any of its associated divisions, companies or close corporations.

1.3.                            “Conditions” means the Terms and Conditions of Trade contained herein;

1.4.                             “Fee” means the fee payable to by the Client, upon such Client having employed an Applicant, pursuant to the acceptance of the terms and conditions and/or a proposed product and service offering, and the introduction of such Applicant to such Client by;

1.5.                             “Introduction” means the solicited or unsolicited introduction of an Applicant to the Client by, by means of interalia:

1.5.1.                           The furnishing of a personal profile, résumé, or curriculum vitae pertaining to the Applicant, to the Client, at the request of the Client;

1.5.2.                         The setting up by of an interview between the Applicant and the Client;

1.5.3.                         The Client interacted with or was introduced to the applicant via the platform, by, but not limited to, using the applicants services as a freelancer.

1.6.                              An acceptance of the terms and conditions and/ or a proposed product and service offering in writing or electronically, will be deemed acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Client.

1.7.                              “Salary”, “annual salary” or “total cost to company” means the total annual package to be received by an Applicant from an employer pursuant to an employment contract between them, and may include basic salary, nondiscretionary bonuses, 13th cheques, company and individual contributions in respect of medical aid, pension and provident funds and such-like, travel allowances, subsidised housing or the provision of accommodation, billable hours, sign-on bonuses, restraint of trade payments and any and all other benefits. Company car values are assessed as follows: R24 000 on a package up to R129 999 and R 36 000 on a package exceeding R129 999.

1.8.                              “Employment” means all and any work of whatsoever nature or description undertaken and carried out by an Applicant on behalf of a Client and whether such work is undertaken by such Applicant in his personal capacity or in a representative capacity and without derogating from the generality of the a foregoing, undertaken on behalf of a corporation, company, partnership or association.

1.9.                            “Full-time Employment” means the employment of an Applicant save where the Applicant is employed on a temporary or contracting basis, and shall be deemed to be permanent from the first date of physical commencement of employment irrespective of the terms of employment entered into between the Applicant and Client including, but not limited to, periods of probation.


2.                                Calculation of fees due in respect of placements

2.1.                             Upon the commencement of permanent employment of any Applicant by a Client, to whom such Applicant was introduced by, the Client shall effect payment to of a fee calculated at 10% of the Applicant’s gross annual package, in accordance with the provisions of the schedule detailed in Clause 3.1.1, or of such a fee as has been previously negotiated and agreed to by both parties.

2.2.                           In the event that any Applicant is employed by a Client in the circumstances envisaged in clause 2.1 and such Applicant does not commence permanent employment with the Client for any reason due to the Client’s liability or refusal for whatsoever reason to allow the commencement of such employment, in such event the fee payable to NoSweat Work Media shall be an amount equal to 50% of the fee which would have been payable in accordance with the provisions of clause 3.1, had such Applicant commenced permanent employment.

2.3.                  shall invoice the Client with such fee as may be due to it by the Client pursuant to the provisions of this clause 2 immediately upon the commencement of the Applicant’s employment by Client. Payment of the fee due to and as reflected on any such invoice shall be effected within 30 (THIRTY) days of the commencement of the Applicant’s employment by the Client. The onus of ensuring that an invoice is received by the Client in sufficient time to timeously perform its obligations in terms of this clause 3.3, shall at all times vest with the Client. ALL FEES ARE EXCLUSIVE OF VAT.


3.                                Guarantee option and liability for fees

3.1.                    will provide a credit in respect of Candidates sourced by it, should the candidates’ employment be terminated within 3 (three) months of commencing, other than by death or redundancy, subject to the following provisions

3.1.1.                         The full placement fee being paid within 30 (THIRTY) days of date of date that the candidate commencing employment at the Client; and

3.1.2.                        Written notification being addressed to No Sweat Work Media within 3 months of the commencement date of the Candidate with the client of:                    The candidate being dismissed for incompetence; or                   The institution of proceedings against the Candidate for incompetence and written notice of the institution of such proceedings having been received by within seven days of the commencement of those proceedings; or                   The candidates’ resignation.


3.2.                   will credit the placement fee paid by the client, as follows:

3.2.1.                         Within 30 days of placement – 100% credit

3.2.2.                       Within 60 days of placement – 90% credit

3.2.3.                       Within 90 days of placement – 80% credit

3.3.                             In the event that a Client accepts the terms and conditions and/or a proposed product and service offering, and employs an Applicant introduced to such Client by at any time within a period of 12 (TWELVE) months from the date of such introduction, regardless as to whether or not the employment of the Candidate arose directly or indirectly out of the introduction of the Candidate, then nevertheless, the employment of the Applicant shall be deemed to have come about as a result of introduction, and’s fee payable in terms hereof by virtue of such introduction shall be paid within thirty days from the date of receipt by the Client of’s invoice.

3.4.                            In the event that introduces an Applicant to the Client, which Applicant has been interviewed by such Client on an occasion prior to the introduction of the Applicant to the Client by, and such Applicant is employed by the Client subsequent to such introduction, then the employment of the Applicant shall be deemed to have come about as a result of’s introduction and’s fee payable in terms of hereof by virtue of such introduction shall be paid within thirty days from date of receipt by the Client of’s invoice.

3.5.                            In the event that the Client furnishes any third party with any information relating to an Applicant introduced to the Client by, or in the event that a Client refers or introduces an Applicant introduced to the Client by, to any third party, and in either of those events the third party employs the Applicant, or causes the Applicant to be employed by any other party within a period of twelve months from the date of the furnishing of such information or referral or introduction by the Client, then the Client shall be liable to effect payment to of such fee as would have been payable to in terms hereof, had the Client employed the Applicant.


4.                                Confidentiality

4.1.                              In order to protect the confidentiality of our Applicants, no Client may contact or in any way approach the past or present employers of Candidates without the prior written consent of having been sought and obtained. The Client shall be liable to in the event of a breach of the provisions of this clause.


5.                                Waiver and Indemnity

5.1.                     undertakes to make every reasonable enquiry and endeavour to verify any information provided to them by candidates but cannot be held liable for any damage or loss sustained as a result of misrepresentations, omissions or false information provided by the Candidate.

5.2.                                In addition, cannot be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Client as a result of, or arising out of the Candidate’s employment with the Client.


6.                                General

6.1.                              No variation, alteration or cancellation of these terms and conditions shall be of any force of effect unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties or their duly authorised representatives.

6.2.                             No relaxation or indulgence which may show a Client shall in any way prejudice or be deemed to be a waiver of’s rights hereunder.

6.3.                    and the Client consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court in respect of any matters incidental to or arising out of the provisions hereof notwithstanding that the value of the matter in question may exceed the jurisdiction of such Court

6.4.                    may however at its sole option, institute action out of any appropriate division of the High Court of South Africa

6.5.                             All legal costs and disbursements on the Attorney and Client scale incurred by in inter alia tracing a Client and in collecting or endeavouring to collect all or any amounts payable by Client to in terms hereof or otherwise, and all collection commission and all other fees and charges, shall be for the account of the Client.

6.6.                             A certificate under the hand of any Director of in respect of indebtedness of the Client to it, or in respect of any other fact, shall be prima facie evidence of the Client’s indebtedness to and prima facie evidence of such other fact.

6.7.                              In the event that any amount payable by a Client to is not paid promptly on due date (14 days from date of the candidate commencing employment at the Client), then in addition to any other remedies afforded to No Sweat Work Media, such amount shall attract interest at a rate equal to two percent over the prime rate charged by‘s bankers.